立即获取 RM50 折扣券,加送精美的布袋包😍👜。Raya促销来啦! We are glad to to inform our tote bag👜 collection is available now, get "RM 50 OFF DISCOUNT" and upgrade your workwear game with Our Exclusive Raya Sale! 🛍️👗💼
如何获得?How to get all?
1. 单个订单号满 RM120, 可获得精美的布袋包1个 Spend RM120 in a single receipt Get Tota Bag x1
2. 单个订单号满 RM199, 可获得RM 50优惠券 + 独家布袋包 Spend RM199 in a single receipt Get RM 50 OFF voucher +Tota Bag x1 #AutoDiscount